Employment Law

Crangle is an experienced lawyer that has represented numerous transportation companies in their employment matter. As an employer, you need to make sure that your Employment Contracts are up to date and enforceable. Employment Contracts that were once enforceable may not be enforceable now because the law has evolved, which is why an employer needs to periodically update its employment contracts. Even large companies often have outdated and unenforceable employment contracts. This puts the company at risk to having to pay larger severance packages than it expected.

With respect to employee performance issues, a company should document performance issues by providing warning letters that clearly set out the issues and what needs to be improved upon, failing which the company may discipline the employee up to and including termination. Unless it is a serious transgression, employers are expected to provide at least several warning letters before it has grounds to terminate an employee for just cause. Failure to do so could prejudice the company in the future. Employers need to know how to protect themselves against discrimination claims. Crangle can help to minimize an Employer’s legal exposure.

Human rights complaints are also an emerging area in the transportation industry. Whether it is defending a human rights complaint or advising the company how to put best practices in place to avoid a complaint, Crangle provide invaluable support to the company.

Call or email for a free consultation to find out if you have a legal case, and if so, how much you may be entitled to. Contingency fee arrangements may be available in appropriate cases so that you do not have to worry about paying legal fees to your lawyer.