Slip and Fall

Everyone has fallen down at some time and injured themselves. If you slipped or tripped and fell due to the negligence of someone else, then you should be compensated for your pain and suffering, as well as the physical and emotional trauma and loss of income. Slip / trip and fall cases are usually the result of someone’s negligent failure to maintain a pedestrian area so that it is safe to pass. This may have occurred in a commercial building, grocery store, mall, city sidewalk, etc. due to something that spilled where you slipped, obstructed your path, or due to someone’s failure to shovel or put salt on an icy area.

The Occupiers Liability Act requires that entities in control of the premises are responsible for taking reasonable precautions so that persons entering the area are safe. For instance, if you slipped and fell in a mall due to spilled coffee on the ground, than the potential defendants to be named in a lawsuit could be: the owner of the mall, the company that manages the mall and the maintenance company. That is why you will often see “Slippery When Wet” signs or other precautionary signs at a mall. The purpose of those signs is to warn you against potential hazards. However, sometimes it is not possible to see a hazard or there are no warning signs, which is when injuries can happen.

Call or email for a free consultation to find out if you have a legal case, and if so, how much you may be entitled to. Contingency fee arrangements may be available in appropriate cases so that you do not have to worry about paying legal fees to your lawyer.